2015 Legislative Session
Indiana University Office of State Relations
State House Report 12
The end of the legislative session is beginning to come into view as we completed 12 weeks with just five weeks remaining before the April 29 termination date. Committee hearings on bills was steady this week as a moderate number of bills continue to be heard. Several bills moved this week that IU supports.
Another highlight during the week was two luncheon meetings with legislators that the Southeast and Northwest campuses sponsored. Legislators from the areas surrounding these campuses were provided with an update on their respective campuses and had the opportunity to engage in a conversation with their Chancellor. Both lunches were very successful.
Bills that Moved Last Week
HB 1045 Recreational Facility Immunity: The bill would provide immunity for universities and K-12 schools for injuries occurring in recreational facilities if operators of such facilities fulfill duties and procedures specified in the bill. There bill was extensively discussed in committee before being held for potential amendment at a future committee hearing.
HB 1108 Dyslexia: The bill requires an individual seeking an initial elementary school teacher practitioner’s license to demonstrate proficiency in recognizing a student that is not progressing in reading at a normal rate may need to be referred to the school’s multidisciplinary team to determine the student’s special learning needs, including learning related to dyslexia. The bill passed the Senate and awaits a decision by the House author on whether he will concur with changes made to the bill by the Senate.
HB 1188 Student Teaching: The bill requires a student teaching agreement to include a provision requiring a student who is required to complete a student teaching requirement to be supervised by a certificated employee that has been rated as either highly effective or effective on their latest annual performance evaluation. The bill passed the Senate and since the House version was not amended, awaits action by the Governor.
HB 1231 Accelerated Degree Award: The bill would establish a new program to provide funds to college programs that, along with specified requirements, permits a student to graduate at least 1 year ahead of schedule. After being amended in the Senate Education Committee, the bill was referred to the Senate Appropriations Committee for further consideration.
HB 1273 Financing Improvements to Carroll Stadium: The bill, as amended in the Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy Committee, authorizes Indiana University to issue bonds for up to $20 million to make improvements to the existing Carroll Stadium in connection with a lease agreement for use of the stadium by the Indy Eleven professional soccer team. Vice President for Facilities, Tom Morrison, testified in support of the bill. The bill is now eligible for 2nd and 3rd reading.
HB 1323 Graduate Medical Education: The bill would establish the medical residency fund to increase the number of funded residencies slots throughout Indiana. With the 30% increase in the size of each cohort at the IU School of Medicine, and with the impending graduation of students at the new Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine, additional residency slots are essential to provide opportunities for graduates from both schools to remain in Indiana. The IU School of Medicine Executive Associate Dean for Education, Dr. Peter Nalin, testified in support of the bill. The bill passed the committee after being amended and is now eligible for2nd and 3rd reading on the floor of the Senate.
HB 1637 Various Education Issues: The bill makes changes to guidelines established by the State Board of Education to identify students who are likely to require remedial work at a postsecondary educational institution or workforce training program. The bill also removes the requirement that PSAT assessment scores be included in a student’s transcript. The bill passed out of the Senate Education Committee without amendment and is now eligible for 2nd and 3rd reading on the Senate floor.
SB 123 Centers for Medical Education: The bill, sought by IU, as passed the Senate would update statute for references to the locations of the Indiana University School of Medicine Centers for Medical Education. The bill was amended in committee to include a provision sought by IU to permit it to hold equity in a private entity. The bill was not amended on 2nd reading on the House floor and is now eligible for a 3rd reading vote.
SB 509 Adult Grant: The bill, sought by the Indiana Commission for Higher Education, would replace the state’s current part time student grant program with a new adult learner grant program. It would also establish a new “economic priority sector” one-time grant for graduates of programs preparing students for employment in certain employment sectors. The bill was amended in committee and is now eligible for 2nd and 3rd reading on the House floor.
Looking Ahead to Next Week
Next week marks the 13th week of the legislative session leaving only two more weeks for committee hearings. It remains to be seen whether there will be a rush to hear remaining bills in committee or whether the number of bills heard will remain moderate.
IU will sponsor two more regional campus lunches this week with legislators – the Kokomo and East campuses. We look forward to showcasing our Chancellors and campuses.